Talk to Us

Talk to Us

Talk to Us

This information is secure. You can use this form to quickly and easily report a change of address, register for upcoming events, submit information for upcoming issues of Utica magazine, or volunteer for alumni-related activities. We thank you for your involvement and appreciate your input!

* indicates required field

Part I: Tell us who you are/Update your information
Marital Status
PART II: Employment Information
PART III: Family Information
UC Grad?
Do you or your spouse work for a matching gift company?
Children and Birth Dates
UC Student?
Class Year
Child 1
Child 2

Add Another Child

PART IV: News for Utica Magazine

Share your news with us (your new job, marriage, children, etc.) to be printed in an upcoming edition of the Utica magazine.

PART V: I would like to participate in the following:

Utica University alumni, parents, and friends are involved in helping the University achieve its mission through giving, volunteering, attending and connecting.

Descriptions of these opportunities
PART VI: Online Suggestion Box

Do you have an idea or suggestion for the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations or for Utica University? Please share it with us!

Contact Us

Office of Advancement

Office of Advancement

(315) 792-3053

I would like to see logins and resources for:

For a general list of frequently used logins, you can also visit our logins page.